Steps To Take If Your Child Has A Severe Allergy That Could Be Life Threatening

Posted on: 29 April 2019

Most people can go through life without worrying about eating the wrong food, being stung by an insect, or taking a medication and suffering a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis can be life threatening, so severe allergies that can result in anaphylaxis need to be taken very seriously. If you're the parent of a child who has recently been diagnosed with a severe allergy, it is normal to be stressed out or scared, but you can help protect your child and keep him or her safe. Use the following tips to help your child if he or she has a severe allergy that could cause anaphylaxis:

Work with Your Child's Allergist to Create an Anaphylaxis Emergency Action Plan

Ideally, your child would never come in contact with the food, medication, or insect that he or she is severely allergic to, and hopefully he or she won't. However, it is essential to be prepared in case your child does suffer a severe allergic reaction due to accidental exposure. After your child is diagnosed with a severe allergy that could cause anaphylaxis, you will need to work with his or her allergist to create an anaphylaxis emergency action plan. This plan will go over the steps that need to be taken in the event that your child is accidentally exposed to whatever he or she is severely allergic to. Your child's school, caregivers, and anyone else who spends time with him or her should have a copy of the plan and completely understand it.

Talk to Your Child About His or Her Allergy

While your child is young you are sure to do everything you can to protect him and her and prevent severe allergic reactions. However, your child will have his or her allergy for his or her entire life, so it is vital to teach him or her about it. With your guidance, your child will learn about what allergens will cause a severe allergic reaction, how to avoid the allergens, and what actions to take in the event of accidental exposure. Talking about his or her allergy and continually teaching him or her to live with it will help ensure that he or she will know how to stay safe during the teenage years and adulthood.

Keep Epinephrine on Hand

If anaphylaxis occurs, epinephrine is typically administered as a rescue medication until a person can receive medical care. In many cases, having epinephrine on hand can be the difference between life and death. If your child has a severe allergy that could cause anaphylaxis, his or her allergist will likely prescribe epinephrine—you will need several epinephrine auto-injectors in order to be sure that your child has access to one whether at home, at school, or in the care of another person. 
