Common Signs A Man May Experience When He Has Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Posted on: 30 April 2019
In simple terms, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) refers to an enlarged prostate. The prostate is a gland that is a part of the male reproductive system, and one of its main functions is to produce the fluid that is found in semen. The prostate typically increases in size as a normal part of puberty, and a second phase of growth often happens when a man is in his 20's, and it can continue growing throughout adulthood. When the prostate grows too big and becomes enlarged, a man will experience symptoms of BHP. If you are able to recognize the signs of BHP, you can see a urologist to discuss your treatment options. Some of the most common signs of BHP include:
Frequent Urination
Due to where the prostate is positioned in a man's body, when it becomes overly enlarged it puts excessive pressure on the bladder. When this happens, the bladder has less room to hold urine, so a man will feel the need to urinate more frequently. In many men, the need to urinate often is pronounced most at night when trying to sleep. If you have recently noticed that you need to urinate a lot more than you used to, don't ignore it. Your best bet is to make an appointment with a urologist to have your prostate checked. In the event that you're diagnosed with BHP, your urologist will work with you to create a treatment plan that helps manage your condition.
Feeling the Need to Urinate Immediately
Most adult men notice when their bladder is getting full and urination is necessary. Typically, the feeling of needing to urinate can be controlled, and a man can control his bladder until he can reach a bathroom facility. However, when a man has BHP, the feelings associated with needing to urinate can become different than what a man may have experienced in the past. With BHP, pressure on the bladder can shift at any time. When this happens, a man may experience an immediate need to urinate and have difficulty controlling his bladder for more than a few minutes while he finds a bathroom.
Urination Starts and Stops
Since an enlarged prostate interferes with the bladder, BHP can change a man's urine stream. When a man with an enlarged prostate is not experiencing frequent urination or needing to urinate right away, he may notice that his urine stream may start and stop even when trying to urinate normally. This is a symptom of BHP that can often be managed with care from a urologist.
If you're experiencing any BPH symptoms, don't hesitate to talk to a specialist who can help you to manage the condition. Talk to your urologist for more information.