
  • How Testosterone Replacement Therapy Is Helpful And Its Contraindications

    As men age, sometimes less testosterone is produced by their testicles. The medical term for this condition is hypogonadism. Men living with hypogonadism can develop both physical and emotional problems. Physically, a lack of adequate testosterone can lead to a loss in bone density and bone strength which can result in more fractures later in life. Inadequate testosterone levels can also result in a lack of libido and the inability to sustain an erection.
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  • Headstone Replacement: Tips For Honoring Past Generations

    If you visit cemeteries that were first established a century or more ago, you will likely notice that some of the headstones and grave markers on the oldest graves are showing signs of deterioration that make them more difficult to read. This can mean that your own generation, as well as future ones, may soon lose this valuable connection with their past. Because of this concern, many families have become interested in working to restore or replace the deteriorated headstones and grave markers of their ancestors.
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  • How Patient Journey Management Software Helps

    Every patient who visits a medical facility has needs. While many of these needs may vary, such as the medical-specific needs, there are also many needs that everyone shares. When providing patient care, a medical facility should take all the steps necessary to provide their patients with a safe, convenient, private, and comfortable appointment. Patient journey management software can help medical facilities improve in all of these areas, and this article will explain how it does so.
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  • Signs That Your "Cold" Deserves A Doctor's Attention

    "It's just a cold." This is the response you'll get from many people — and perhaps even from your own reasoning — when you develop respiratory symptoms like sneezing and a runny nose. And it's true that most colds are not a big deal and don't really require a doctor's care. However, what starts as a cold can easily progress to a more serious illness that does require professional care. How do you know that your illness has reached the point of requiring medical care?
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  • Minimally-Invasive Colorectal Cancer Surgery May Save Those With Hemophilia

    Colorectal cancer can be a dangerous type because it is often hard to detect and can spread rapidly through the body in dangerous ways. This fact is particularly true of those with hemophilia because care and treatment may be more difficult. Thankfully, minimally-invasive surgery options are available. Hemophilia May Complicate Rental Cancer Treatment Colorectal cancer is typically treated using one of two different surgery methods, including polypectomy – which removes the polyp of the cancer – or local excisions.
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  • Missionaries In Africa Should Understand Medical Flights

    Missionary trips to Africa can be a rewarding experience for both you and the people who you help. However, you may run into issues with your health – such as an out-of-nowhere injury – that may be very problematic if you don't use medical flights to get the high-quality care that you need. Injuries in Africa May Be Hard to Treat Although Africa has plenty of medical treatment options for visiting missionaries, many challenges exist that could make your treatment more difficult.
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  • Three Therapies To Help Manage The Symptoms Of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

    Being diagnosed by complex regional pain syndrome can bring mixed feelings. On one hand, you are glad to know why you've been suffering from so much pain and discomfort over the past few months. On the other hand, you're dismayed to know there's no actual cure for your condition and that the best you can do is manage it. Your doctor will probably prescribe a few different medications to help manage your condition, but you may also find it helpful to try these three therapies.
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  • Do Contacts Work Well For Strong Prescriptions, Or Should You Stick With Eyeglasses?

    Ever since they first came into use, contact lenses have been a revelation for people who want to improve their eyesight without altering their appearance or while still being able to participate in sports and other outdoor activities that eyeglasses aren't well suited for. However, in the past, there have been a few restrictions that come with using contacts. The most relevant of these restrictions is that people with very strong prescriptions couldn't always get contact lenses.
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  • Three Types Of Dermatology Compounds You Can Find At A Compounding Pharmacy

    Compounding pharmacies are willing to make a lot of different medicines that traditional pharmacies will not or cannot make. Some of these are dermatology compounds for topical use. The following examples show three types of compounds often applied to the skin that a compounding pharmacy is willing to make. Natural Herb-Infused Ointments Herbology is the study of herbs and the effects herbs have on the body. They are part of natural and alternative medicine.
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  • Fatigue & Weight Gain—It Might Not Be Normal

    Many people associate increased tiredness and extra weight with the natural process of aging. Although you might not have as much energy as you did when you were a young adult, persistent fatigue is not normal. If you eat well and stay active and still see your weight creeping up, you might have an underlying problem. Here are some common reasons why adults might experience fatigue and weight gain that you should talk to your family doctor about.
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