
  • How To Recognize Substance Abuse In Your Loved One

    Substance abuse is a terrible disease that can eat away at families and ruin lives if treatment isn't sought out as soon as possible. Whether it is alcohol abuse or other, harder drugs like heroin, methamphetamines, or cocaine, the result is always the same if left untreated. That is the last thing you want for your loved one, so it is important to try to recognize the signs of substance abuse before it takes over their entire life.
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  • Why You Should Schedule An Eye Exam

    Scheduling an eye exam with a licensed optometrist can help you preserve your vision for the long term. The examination is usually a quick and simple process that can be performed in a comfortable and pain-free manner using advanced technology. Here are some of the main reasons why you should schedule an eye exam with an optometrist. Impaired Vision Diagnosis Having impaired vision isn't always so obvious if it is minor, and the optometrist can perform a series of tests to determine the strength of each eye.
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  • Curbing Those Pregnancy Side Effects: What You Can Do

    There are a number of side effects of pregnancy. Some are good, while others could be harmful to your health and the health of your baby if you aren't careful. Talking to your obstetrician about these side effects, and what else to expect throughout your pregnancy, as well as how to deal with these side effects is important. Read on for some of these pregnancy side effects and what you can do about them.
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  • Three Surgeries That Require A Lot Of Physical Therapy Afterward

    Physical therapy is used to regain and/or maintain one's range of motion and mobility. It is prescribed following sports injuries and car accidents, but it can also be prescribed following major limb surgeries. The following three surgeries are the most common ones where PT is not only recommended, but prescribed if you want to regain full movement of a limb and the joint on which your doctor operated.  Shoulder Replacement
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  • 3 Orthopedic Applications For Stem Cell Therapy

    Stem cell therapy is an emerging treatment that has the potential for use in repairing different areas of the body. One approach is using stem cells in orthopedic applications to prevent or delay the need for joint replacements and to address current symptoms, such as pain and inflammation. Inflammatory Arthritis Inflammatory arthritis is a unique issue because the damage to joints and surrounding soft tissues is caused by the immune system, instead of mechanical wear or acute injury.
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  • Corrections For Common Psoriatic Arthritis Myths

    There are many people that will develop arthritis over the course of their lives. When this occurs, it can have major impacts on their quality of life, and being misinformed can lead to patients being unable to mitigate the impact their arthritis has on their quality of life. Myth: Age Is The Only Factor In Determining Whether Someone Develops Arthritis While age can be one of the leading factors in determining whether a person is likely to develop arthritis, it is possible for younger individuals to also develop this condition.
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  • Menopause Making Weight Loss Difficult? 4 Steps To Help You Tip The Scales In Your Favor

    If you've entered into menopause, and you've noticed that your hourglass figure has turned into an apple, don't be discouraged. Studies show that most women gain weight during menopause. In fact, aboutthree-quarters of the women over 60 years of age are overweight. Unfortunately, weight loss becomes very difficult during menopause. That's because hormones and the metabolism change drastically once a women enters menopause. Luckily, there are some steps you can take that will help you kick start your weight loss, even during menopause.
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  • Undergoing Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

    There are many medical treatments that patients may need to undergo to recover and heal from their conditions and injuries. Platelet rich plasma therapy is a relatively new way of helping patients to recover, but it is a procedure that is still fairly misunderstood. How Is The Platelet Rich Plasma Administered? Patients often have concerns about the method that the platelet rich plasma will be administered. Typically, this is done through a small injection.
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  • A Look At The Pros & Cons Of Designating A Family Medicine Doctor As Your Primary Care Provider

    Picking your primary care provider is a major adult decision, and it is one that should take some careful consideration. Many people do pick family care doctors or family practices as their primary treatment provider, and for good reason. Take a look at some of the pros and cons of designating a family medicine doctor as your primary care provider: Pro: Family doctors can treat you and your family members. 
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  • Want To Lose Weight Before Summer? How To Do It Successfully

    The last thing you want to do is head to the pool this summer feeling like a beached whale. If you have some pounds to lose, then this article has some ways for you to get the job done right and healthily. But how? Read on to learn some more.  Watch the Carbs No, you don't have to cut out all carbohydrates from your body because your body needs them for energy.
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