Laser Hair Removal: The Benefits And The Risks

Posted on: 25 May 2023

After some time, it may get exhausting to shave or wax the same areas time and time again. If you are looking for another option besides shaving and waxing, you can ask your doctor about laser hair removal. Laser hair removal has its benefits, but also some risks. 

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a cosmetic medical procedure that is extremely common in the United States. A small laser beam is used to temporarily get rid of any of your unwanted hair. The light from the laser heats up and damages the sacs where your hair grows. 

While you may want your hair to be permanently removed, your hair may grow back slowly. The aim is for the laser hair removal procedure to completely stop the growth of hair, but sometimes it only delays it. However, the more sessions you have, the greater the chance the hair removal will be permanent. 

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

The biggest and most obvious benefit of laser hair removal is that your hair is removed, and you do not have to spend all the time and money on shaving and/or waxing. 

Another benefit is that laser hair removal is a speedy process. It only takes seconds for the laser to remove the hair. If you are having the procedure done to your upper lip area, this could take as little as one minute. 

On top of that, since your hair is not going to grow back after your full treatment is complete, you do not have to worry about those pesky, painful ingrown hairs growing in again. 

Risks of Laser Hair Removal

If you go through with laser hair removal, one of the risks is that the procedure could change the pigmentation of your skin. While this could be a temporary side effect of the procedure, it could end up being permanent. 

Some other side effects from the procedure could include:

  • Redness
  • Scarring
  • Crusting
  • Blisters 
  • Swelling

Most doctors will not perform laser hair removal around the eyes because this greatly increases your risk of side effects.  

Cost of Laser Hair Removal

The cost to go through laser hair removal can vary. If you are not sure the procedure is in your budget, schedule a consultation before your first session. 

The cost of laser hair removal can depend on: 

  • Who performs the procedure
  • The amount of hair getting removed
  • Number of sessions it requires
  • Your location

The average cost of one session of laser hair removal is around $389. If this is in your budget, talk to your doctor about your next steps. 

At the end of the day, you will have to decide for yourself if the benefits outweigh the risks. If your hair grows too fast for you to properly maintain, giving laser hair removal surgery may be a viable option for you.   

Reach out to a local provider, such as Pennington Med Spa, to schedule laser hair removal. 
