4 Signs You Need Mental Health Treatment

Posted on: 13 September 2022

If you have not been feeling depressed lately you may be wondering if you need mental health treatment. Everyone gets depressed, but most people manage to get past it after a short time. If you find that you are sinking into depression and things are not getting better,  then it may be time for you to seek out mental health treatment, to get over the hurdle.  Irritability  One of the things that you may have is high levels of irritability.
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Activities You Can Do To Fight Depression

Posted on: 8 August 2022

Dealing with depression can be debilitating. In addition to seeking therapy and medication for your depression symptoms, there are some activities you can do yourself to make yourself feel better. The following are some examples of activities you can do to help distract you from your depression.  Outdoor Physical Exercise One of the best ways to instantly boost your mood is through physical exercise. The chemicals and endorphins in your brain will increase from the movement.
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Don't Let Your Brain Function Slip Away, See A Neurology Specialist

Posted on: 5 July 2022

A neurologist is a doctor who specializes in problems with the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Through various tests and talking with the patient, they diagnose the problem and then determine the best way to treat it. Most people are referred to this specialist by their primary care physician. However, there may be things going on with you that should have you asking your doctor for a referral. Sometimes these symptoms are barely noticeable or may even be considered part of the normal aging process.
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Could Your Baby's Abdominal Pain Be Intussusception?

Posted on: 2 June 2022

Tummy issues can cause discomfort for babies and a lot of worry for parents. The cause of your little one's abdominal pain may be as simple as gas or it could indicate a viral or bacterial infection in their digestive tract. In rare cases, a segment of the small intestine can fold and slip inside the adjacent portion, like a telescope. This telescoping of the intestine is called intussusception. An enfolding or prolapse of the intestine can cause a blockage, resulting in abdominal pain.
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