Undergoing Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Posted on: 6 May 2019

There are many medical treatments that patients may need to undergo to recover and heal from their conditions and injuries. Platelet rich plasma therapy is a relatively new way of helping patients to recover, but it is a procedure that is still fairly misunderstood. How Is The Platelet Rich Plasma Administered? Patients often have concerns about the method that the platelet rich plasma will be administered. Typically, this is done through a small injection.
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A Look At The Pros & Cons Of Designating A Family Medicine Doctor As Your Primary Care Provider

Posted on: 6 May 2019

Picking your primary care provider is a major adult decision, and it is one that should take some careful consideration. Many people do pick family care doctors or family practices as their primary treatment provider, and for good reason. Take a look at some of the pros and cons of designating a family medicine doctor as your primary care provider: Pro: Family doctors can treat you and your family members. 
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Want To Lose Weight Before Summer? How To Do It Successfully

Posted on: 6 May 2019

The last thing you want to do is head to the pool this summer feeling like a beached whale. If you have some pounds to lose, then this article has some ways for you to get the job done right and healthily. But how? Read on to learn some more.  Watch the Carbs No, you don't have to cut out all carbohydrates from your body because your body needs them for energy.
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3 Footwear Tips To Keep Your Feet Safe When You Have Diabetes

Posted on: 5 May 2019

Diabetes does not just impact the way your body processes food. It impacts various other systems in your body as well, such as your nervous system. One unfortunate side effects of diabetes are foot issues due to a lack of feeling in the foot. One way to protect your feet from damage when you have diabetes is by being more aware of your feet. Always Wear Shoes It can be tempting in the summer to walk barefoot.
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