Missionaries In Africa Should Understand Medical Flights

Posted on: 29 April 2019

Missionary trips to Africa can be a rewarding experience for both you and the people who you help. However, you may run into issues with your health – such as an out-of-nowhere injury – that may be very problematic if you don't use medical flights to get the high-quality care that you need. Injuries in Africa May Be Hard to Treat Although Africa has plenty of medical treatment options for visiting missionaries, many challenges exist that could make your treatment more difficult.
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Three Therapies To Help Manage The Symptoms Of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Posted on: 29 April 2019

Being diagnosed by complex regional pain syndrome can bring mixed feelings. On one hand, you are glad to know why you've been suffering from so much pain and discomfort over the past few months. On the other hand, you're dismayed to know there's no actual cure for your condition and that the best you can do is manage it. Your doctor will probably prescribe a few different medications to help manage your condition, but you may also find it helpful to try these three therapies.
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Do Contacts Work Well For Strong Prescriptions, Or Should You Stick With Eyeglasses?

Posted on: 29 April 2019

Ever since they first came into use, contact lenses have been a revelation for people who want to improve their eyesight without altering their appearance or while still being able to participate in sports and other outdoor activities that eyeglasses aren't well suited for. However, in the past, there have been a few restrictions that come with using contacts. The most relevant of these restrictions is that people with very strong prescriptions couldn't always get contact lenses.
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Three Types Of Dermatology Compounds You Can Find At A Compounding Pharmacy

Posted on: 29 April 2019

Compounding pharmacies are willing to make a lot of different medicines that traditional pharmacies will not or cannot make. Some of these are dermatology compounds for topical use. The following examples show three types of compounds often applied to the skin that a compounding pharmacy is willing to make. Natural Herb-Infused Ointments Herbology is the study of herbs and the effects herbs have on the body. They are part of natural and alternative medicine.
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